God never fails

I don´t know what brought you here, but it´s a fact you´re reading this text and I´m sure it´s God´s will so let me say you something: No matter what happened to your life, what you´re going through at this moment, God is capable to change it all, there´s no impossible for Him. Give Jesus the chance to change your life, talk to Him, let him talk to you, read the Bible. God is perfect and His word can set us free. He´ll never gonna let you down.

God bless you.


  1. Oi nerd católico, salve Maria! Tudo bem?
    Meu nome é Bruno, sou católico e sou do Rio de Janeiro também, e tava futucando agora o google atrás de eventos nerds na cidade hehe.

    As feiras medievais da quinta da boa vista tão ficando cada vez mais paganizadas :|
    Sabe recomendar alguma coisa medievalista e piedosa?


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